
the Challenges we face

Heavy Rains:  Translates to nearly impassable mud. The first time that it rained, the group was wondering how the distribution could go on, since the church still had a dirt floor, which would probably be all mud. When the group arrived at the church, they found out that the local parishioners had recently put in a concrete floor! 

Heat:  Temperature extremes in the summer make it very difficult for both the volunteers and the families eager to wait in the long lines for hours for the “despensa” to start. 

Funding:  As an independent non-profit, it is difficult to get the exposure necessary to generate funding to support the grocery despensa for each trip which can range from approximately $9000 to $11000.

Volunteer Shortage:  Each trip requires a minimum of 12 volunteers to organize activities on-site. The August Supply Distribution and Sponsorship program requires additional support. WE NEED MORE HANDS TO DO THE LORD’S WORK. Please consider joining us. 

Violence on the Border:  The political climate in Mexico is ever changing. Volunteers need to assess the risk for themselves and make the best decision for their situation. Please see the Frequently Asked Question on About Us page for additional information on travel safety.