Our Programs

Elements of each trip:

  • Grocery Distribution (Despensa)

  • Sponsorship

  • Mentoring & Faith Sharing

Grocery distribution (despensa)

The "Despensa" or distribution, is one of the highlights of the trip. On the Saturday morning of the trip, food commodities that include rice, beans, flour, cooking oil, that are purchased in Mexico on Friday, are sorted into bags for each of the 600+ families that we serve. The actual distribution takes place after lunch in the colonia.


Ending the cycle of poverty begins with educating the youth. To attend public school, each child living in the colonia must pay tuition and secure a uniform, shoes, and school supplies .  Many children do not attend school because their family is unable to pay these expenses. Our goal is to support at least 200 students annually by providing each a uniform, shoes and school supplies. Students are held accountable for attendance and performance in school.  Since 2008, we have seen an increasing number of students completing high school and continuing their studies at the university level.


Mentoring & faith sharing

Prayer Warriors: A group consisting of local adult men and women of the colonia, who are growing spiritually, praying and studying the faith, especially its practical aspect in their everyday life.  On most trips, one of our Spanish speaking volunteers lead the prayer group. Many of those in the prayer group are elderly or in poor health,  but each has a big heart spilling-over with love.   A little entertainment, a funny story and snack to keep things moving, and maybe a few prizes for some games.  It's awesome to see the power of prayer as these Prayer Warriors seemingly turn the ear of God with their petitions.


A group of local hard working men and women gather on Friday in hopes of securing their names on the list for a position.  We hire a certain number of workers, for a small stipend, for Friday afternoon and all day Saturday to help us with mission needs.  There are also a few of them that offer to volunteer to help in any way they can.  MTM volunteers all agree they are amazing workers and such help to our mission.  We could not do this very difficult job without them.   They are a Godsend!